What is the Division Professional Bolivia Football League? División Profesional Bolivia football tournament schedule

What is the Division Professional Bolivia Football League? División Profesional Bolivia football tournament schedule

The Division Profesional Bolivia is a professional football tournament held in Bolivia, a country located in the southwest of the South American continent. With the participation of top domestic teams, this tournament has attracted the attention of many football fans around the world. In this article, 2019seagames.com will learn about the Division Profesional Bolivia football tournament, from its history to the records and latest information about this tournament.

What is the Division Professional Bolivia Football League? División Profesional Bolivia football tournament schedule
What is the Division Professional Bolivia Football League? División Profesional Bolivia football tournament schedule

What is the División Profesional Bolivia Football Tournament?

División Profesional Bolivia is the official name of the professional football league in Bolivia, founded in 1977 under the name “Liga de Fútbol Profesional Boliviano”. However, this tournament has undergone many changes in name and organization before achieving its current stability.

Currently, the División de Fútbol Profesional football tournament has the participation of 16 teams, including famous teams such as Club Bolívar, The Strongest and Oriente Petrolero. This tournament takes place from January to December every year and is organized in a round-robin format, in which each team will face each other two times (one match at home and one match away). The team at the top of the rankings after the end of the season will be awarded the championship title.

History of formation and development of the División Profesional Bolivia football tournament

As mentioned, the Division Profesional Bolivia football league was founded in 1977 under the name “División de Fútbol Profesional“. However, before that, professional football in Bolivia had existed since 1950 with a tournament called “Campeonato Nacional de Fútbol”, but only for teams in the city of La Paz.

After the tournament expanded nationwide, it became one of the first professional soccer tournaments in South America. However, because of instability and controversy regarding the organization of the tournament, the Division Profesional Bolivia football tournament has undergone many changes in name and organization over the past 40 years.

One of the most notable changes is that the tournament is divided into two periods: Apertura (spring) and Clausura (autumn). This has been applied since 2002 and is still maintained. In addition, the tournament also had the participation of teams from different cities, not just limited to La Paz as before.

Form of participation in the División Profesional Bolivia football tournament

Form of participation in the División Profesional Bolivia football tournament
Form of participation in the División Profesional Bolivia football tournament

To participate in the Division Profesional Bolivia football tournament, teams must meet a number of facilities, financial and management requirements. In addition, teams must also have some Bolivian players in their squad.

Currently, this tournament has the participation of 16 teams, divided into two groups: Grupo A and Grupo B. Teams will compete against each other in the same group to determine rankings in the rankings. After that, the teams will face other teams in other groups to calculate points for the next stage.

División Profesional Bolivia football tournament schedule for the 2024 season

The 2024 season of the División de Fútbol Profesional football league is expected to take place from January to December 2024.

Below is the expected schedule for the 2024 season:

Latest rankings of División Profesional Bolivia football tournament

Currently, the División de Fútbol Profesional football tournament is still in the group stage of the 2022-2023 season. However, we can review the previous season’s rankings to get an overview of the competition and achievements of the teams.

Below are the rankings for the 2021-2022 season:

The team participates in the División Profesional Bolivia football tournament

Currently, the Division Profesional Bolivia football tournament has the participation of 16 teams, divided into two groups: Grupo A and Grupo B. Below is the list of teams participating in this tournament:

Group A:

  • Club Bolívar
  • The Strongest
  • Always Ready
  • Royal Paris
  • Blooming
  • Nacional Potosí
  • Real Santa Cruz
  • Jorge Wilstermann

Group B:

  • Oriente Petrolero
  • Guabira
  • San José
  • Aurora
  • Real Tomayapo
  • Atlético Palmaflor
  • Independiente Petrolero
  • Real America

Highest scorer in the División Profesional Bolivia football tournament

In the history of the Division Profesional Bolivia football tournament, there have been many excellent players who contributed to the success of the teams. However, only a few players are honored as the highest scorers in a season.

Below is the list of players who scored the most goals in a season in the División de Fútbol Profesional football league:

Highest scorer in the División Profesional Bolivia football tournament
Highest scorer in the División Profesional Bolivia football tournament

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Best coach of the División Profesional Bolivia football tournament

In addition to players, coaches also play an important role in a team’s success. In the history of the División de Fútbol Profesional football tournament, there have been many coaches honored as the best in a season.

Below is a list of the best coaches in a season of the División de Fútbol Profesional football league:

Record of the División Profesional Bolivia football tournament

During its more than 40 years of existence, the Division Profesional Bolivia football tournament has seen many records set and broken. Below are some notable records of this tournament:

  • Number of championships: Club Bolívar (29 times)
  • Number of consecutive championships: Club Bolívar (7 times)
  • Most goals in a season: Juan Carlos Arce (25 goals)
  • Number of consecutive scoring matches: Carlos Saucedo (11 matches)
  • Number of times participating in the Libertadores Cup: Club Bolívar (26 times)
  • Number of times participating in the Sudamericana Cup: The Strongest (10 times)


The Division Profesional Bolivia football tournament is an attractive professional football playground in South America. With the participation of top teams and excellent players, this tournament always attracts the attention of fans. We hope that in the future, the División de Fútbol Profesional football tournament will continue to develop and bring more joy to football fans.

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